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Developmental       Stages

The experiences during the first four months are the foundation of the puppy's mature personality. We here at FURRY TAILS are experienced in all the stages in the puppy's life.  We take special care that they get exactly what is needed at each stage.  Many breeders are totally clueless about this and let Mom raise the puppy all by herself.  Yes, Mom is very important in their development, however, there is so much more to raising a well rounded healthy puppy.  

Weeks 1-2:   They are born in our quiet private bedroom, with our attendance, just in case we are needed.  At 1 week old they are moved to the puppy nursery.

At this stage of life, all activities are innate: sucking, crying, crawling and touching. They have no sense of sight or sound - they are born with their eyes and ears closed. They are susceptible to cold or heat, so they mound together and Mom tucks them in to keep them warm.      If it gets too hot they spread out !  They can usually right themselves if turned over.   Mom stimulates them to eliminate.  Their central nervous system is rapidly developing.   Mom is the main influence on the puppies.   Did you know that a pup's behavior can be both genetically and environmentally derived?     Mom's attitude can influence their behavior development.   If Mom is overly fearful or aggressive, this can be imprinted on the puppies.   When choosing a puppy, it is important to observe the parents - especially Mom.






Weeks 3-4:  Their eyes are opening and their eyesight is dim but rapidly improving.  They are beginning to walk briefly, try to stand and take a few steps.   They are becoming interested in their litter mates and discover their litter mates are more than warm lumps to cuddle up on!    They also are beginning to eat gruel, drink water, and eliminate on their own.   Their sense of smell and hearing develops, they wag their tail, teeth just barely start coming in, and they’ll even start to bark.     By the end of this period, they should be able to use the bathroom on their own and see quite well on their own.      At this stage we add a small potty area in their nursery and their indoor house training begins.    They respond to voices, sounds and recognize different people.       And now the amazement begins! 


Weeks 5-6:  Life has become exciting!  They are not afraid and have become very aware of people and likes to be with them!  Their personalities are just starting to form!  It is important to leave puppies in a social group long enough to be adventurous and for the puppy to acquire some social competitive skills. It's also at this age that characteristics can develop like leadership, confidence, shyness and fear. The puppies will venture away from the whelping box/sleeping area. They will not go far, but they will begin to explore.  They are starting to interact with people, giving kisses and licks.  At this time we move them to a puppy play pen,  where they have more room to play, explore, and grow.  Their eating and potty areas are also larger, to accommodate the growing puppies. Socialization is strictly family workers only. 

Weeks 6-7:  Eyesight and hearing are fully functioning now.   Legs are stronger and more coordinated and they are investigating everything in sight!  The pup is considered emotionally developed and ready to learn, but the pup does not possess an adult brain yet.  Weaning from Mom starts now and Mom stays away longer.   At this time, they have had their first set of vaccinations and we start our outside house training routine.  We call all our puppies "PUPPY", and at this point they all respond as one!   Mom teaches the puppies manners, respect, social skills, and proper etiquette, along with many other valuable lessons. When a puppy misses this stage it can cause the pup to have future behavior issues.  They will also be learning about the animal hierarchy among their litter mates, Mom and our other dogs. It is extremely important to continue socializing the puppy. 

Weeks 8-9:   They are hesitant about approaching new things and this brings a fear stage.   It is very important that they need to take their time when encountering new experiences. The puppies are ready to go to their Forever Homes at this point, however, we like to keep them until they are 9 or 10 weeks old and past the fear stage.  Owners need to be careful about what their puppies are learning at this time. Your puppy is very anxious to learn how you want them to behave and react, and he needs to be shown what is expected of him in his new role as your pet. There are rules you will expect your puppy to obey. Establish those rules NOW while behaviors are easy to establish.      

Weeks 10-12:  They usually respond to name and comes when called from a short distance.  They will come when they hear their food pan rattled! They are learning how to avoid being stepped on and they are becoming more dependable with house training.  Their body organs have developed and they are now ready to be shipped to their new homes.  It is at this age that rapid learning occurs, puppies can learn and what they learn will have a lasting impact. Everything they come in contact with will make a lasting impression upon them as it never will again. Not only will they learn, but, they will learn whether it is taught or not. How your pet interacts with you is determined during puppy hood. What they do now is what they will likely do later. So, don't allow your puppy to do things which will be unacceptable when they become a dog. During this time, you and your puppy will also begin to know and understand each other. You will get to know about your puppy's particular temperament and personality - whether they are strong-willed or eager to please, gentle or rambunctious, shy or outgoing, and just what else makes them the endearing individual that they are.

For the puppy, this is both an exciting and somewhat confusing time. There is a whole new world of things to learn about and all sorts of new experiences to digest.  Puppies must now learn a new set of rules. They need to know/learn how to interact with humans and other animals who live with them. You need to lay the groundwork for a trusting, happy mutually satisfying relationship. Keep in mind that puppies are less likely to broaden their experiences if they are insecure. In natural environments, puppies approach new things cautiously. By giving your puppy brief, repeated experiences in new situations, you give him a chance to become familiar. If you don't expose your puppy to a variety of situations and new environments, inappropriate ways to adapt may be learned.   During this time, any traumatic, painful or frightening experiences will have a more lasting impact on your pup than they would if they occurred at any other time.   In general, avoid stressful situations.

Remember, dogs are social animals. To become acceptable companions, they need to interact with you, your family, and other people and dogs during the socialization period. Dogs that are denied socialization during this critical period often become unpredictable because they are fearful or aggressive. At this time, your puppy needs to have positive experiences with people and dogs. Therefore, you need to socialize and teach your puppy how to interact with people and other dogs in a positive, non-punitive manner. You should gradually introduce your puppy to new things, environments, and people. But, care must be taken in socializing your puppy with other dogs or in areas where many "unknown" dogs frequent, prior to the time that your dog has had three of its booster vaccinations against contagious diseases. Shopping centers, parks, and play grounds are good places to expose him.  Make sure they are secure. If you live alone, make an effort to have friends visit you, especially members of the opposite sex so that your dog will become accustomed to them.

Weeks 13-16:   It is during this critical period that your dog will begin to test you to see who the pack leader is going to be.   No mouthing of your body should be allowed and when your dog does mouth, you should respond with a quick and sharp "NO!" or "No Bite!"  Play that does not get rough is best.  This is the stage when serious training should begin. Training establishes your pack leadership in a manner that your puppy will understand. By training your puppy, you will learn how to get him to respond to commands designed to show that you are in charge. This is the perfect time to get them into puppy obedience classes or training.​

So now you have an idea of what the first 4 months of your puppies life has been like.  Now it's up to you to help form the rest of their lives!  Try to remember that they are puppies for a short time.  They must learn to behave in the human world. 

Understanding, training, and perhaps professional help with training are the keys to success. All dogs are different. Some will not exhibit the behaviors we have discussed and others will pass through them at varying rates. Remember that your dog needs you to play a role in his development and you can do that with knowledge and commitment to training.  The more you put into your new companion the more you'll get out of them. 

     *Please remember that we are always here to help and are just an email or phone call away.               Please keep in touch with us and other Furry Tails owners on our Furry Tails Facebook page...

     We love to get updated pictures and letters - and hearing about any accomplishments your

     Furry Tails Puppy has acquired!

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